JavaScript Basics: A Starter Guide for Newbies

To build a website you need to know three things HTML, CSS and Javascript. We will talk about the first two in some other blog, but first lets understand Javascript.

Javascript is a weakly typed, object oriented, interpreted programming language. that can be used to do both client-side(the frontend of a webiste) and server-side(the backend of a webiste) programmig. this was developed by Brendan Eich, and first released in 1993. Initially it was developed to add functionality to a website. In 2005 javascript was standardized by ECMA. which set certains rules for everyone on how javacsript should be written. Javascript can be executed insde a browser. to do that just right click on your browser window, then select inspect option from the drop down and then go to console tab now here you can execute JS( javascript in short).

browser(chrome) developer tools

as javascript developed with time, lot of things became possible with javascript and people realised who dont we bring js out of the browser and use it on our local system. In 2009 a developer named Ryan Dahl developed a runtime environment( an evironment where a program is executed ) known as Node.js with the chromes v8 engine (google's javascript interpreter) and a bit of c++. This changed the whole game.

Now with Node.js you can run the same javascript on your local system, out of the browser environment. This opened new doors for javascript developers. Now javascript could also be used one servers and backend of a website, so building a whole website, both the client and server side, with only javascript became possible.

The huge community of developers and a rich set of libraries and framework makes javascript one of the most popular language. Some popular javascript frameworks are: React.js, angular.js, express.js, electron.js , vue.js, next.js, etc.

To Install node.js on your system and get a brief idea about it you can watch this video its easy.

Well now I hope no body will call you a noob in javascript, atleast you can throw some facts about js at their face and show them how to run js on your system will the help of node.js. We will learn more about js in upcoming blogs and obviously you can visit my channel Nerdbash to learn js through videos. thankyou and goodby.